GM – FBF – Today let’s remind you that blacks are still operating in American. It was challenging for you to Invest in a bank at all during this time in America. The people of America in the state of Alabama did take advantage of this. Enjoy!
Remember – “The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil water-way leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky–seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.” – W. W. Cox
The Alabama Penny Savings Bank, founded October 15,
1890, was the first African-American owned and
operated financial institution in Birmingham, and one of the first three in the
United States. One of the organizers of the Penny Savings Bank was 16th Street
Baptist Church pastor William Pettiford, who provided the initial $2,000 in
capital. Other officers included physician Ulysses Mason, Indianola banker W.
W. Cox, and an unnamed saloonkeeper. In its early years the bank’s officers did
not take salaries, helping the bank survive the 1893 panic which spelled
failure for other institutions.
Educator Booker T. Washington
said this about the institution in an address given in Birmingham on January 1,
“I wish to congratulate you among other things upon the excellent and far
reaching work that has been done in Birmingham and vicinity through the wide
and helpful influence of the Alabama Penny Savings Bank. Few organizations of
any description in this country among our people have helped us more, not only
in cultivating the habit of saving, but in bringing to us the confidence and
respect of the white race. The people who save money, who make themselves
intelligent, and live moral lives, are the ones who are going to control the
destinies of the country.”
The bank’s first building, a three story stone and brick structure, was located at 217 18th Street North. In 1913 the bank constructed a new six-story building one block north, now known as the Pythian Temple. It was built by the black-owned Windham Construction and some have identified its style with the work of African American architect Wallace Rayfield, who kept an office in the building for a time. The bank did provide financing for many of the homes that Rayfield designed for Birmingham’s black professionals.
In 1915 both black-owned banks operating in the city, the Alabama Penny Savings Bank and the Prudential Savings Bank, founded by Ulysses Mason in 1910, were faced with bankruptcies. Washington helped to coordinate assistance in the form of secured loans and a last-minute effort to effect a merger. Later that year the Penny Savings Bank closed. The building was purchased by the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, and. since then, their building has been known as the Pythian Temple. Research more about Black banks in American and share with your babies. Make it a champion day!